Playback: Webinars on Co-ops and Youth Unemployment & Racial Justice

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written by

Jonny Gordon-Farleigh

Nov 3, 2020

In partnership with The Hive (Co-operatives UK), Stir to Action hosted two webinars in late October. If you missed it, then playback the webinars below.

21 October

What Future? Co-operatives & Youth Unemployment

In the years following the last economic crisis in 2008, young people turned to co-operatives as a way to create decent work and alternative careers for themselves, after most entry-level and graduate jobs were turned into precarious, short-term, or zero-hour contracts. Now with young people most likely to be affected by the current economic crisis, getting to know more about co-operatives can offer the opportunity to create work where you're in control.

Interested in co-ops but not sure where to start? Interested in the experiences and challenges of other young people who have started co-ops themselves? 

Join us for an evening event featuring three ‘live’ case studies from co-operatives working in media & film (Blake House), coworking and publishing (Chapel Street Studios/Bread & Roses), and democratic education (Stir to Action).

28 October

Co-operatives & Movements for Racial Justice

The rise of anti-racist and Black Lives Matter movements, particularly in 2020, is demanding all of us to review racial and economic inequality in the UK. While estimates suggest that BAME co-ops only constitute 1-2% of the UK’s co-operative movement – and it is an estimate as we have no specific data – there’s a responsibility to remake the connection between co-operatives and racial justice.

We are joined by Esteban Kelly, the Executive Director of US Federation of Worker Co-ops and cofounder of AORTA who will take us a detour through the recent history of POC-led co-ops in the United States, and we'll also be joined from London by the Essential Workers Cooperative, a migrant-led group of female cleaners who are in the process of becoming a worker co-op in London, and also Amy Hall of the New Internationalist.

These webinar were funded by The Hive – a support programme for co-ops delivered by Co-operatives UK in partnership with The Co-operative Bank.

For more resources and how to apply for support to start a co-operative, visit

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