Spring 2024 #45

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Money for good: the rise of ethical finance — Jonny Gordon-Farleigh and Grace Crabtree

What we don’t talk about, when we talk about AI — Daniel Stanley

Public Art & the Economics of Imagination — Toby Tobias Kidd

The sky is for all: Ruskin and the Guild of St George — Grace Crabtree

Building Community Ownership: Expanding Opportunities for Black and Racially Minoritised Co-operatives — Christxpher Oliver

Interview: The Age of Asset Management — Brett Christophers with Jonny Gordon-Farleigh

Pathways to Land — Nicola Scott

Stokes Croft Land Trust: Community ownership in the cultural heart of Bristol — Grace Crabtree

Excerpt: Climate Change as Class War: Building Socialism on a Warming Planet (Verso) — Matthew T. Huber

Q&A Leading Lives 

Special festival feature — ABCs of the New Economy Festival (10-11 July 2024)

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