The Art of Invitation: Creative Approaches to Community Engagement

How can we bring people together across difference to actively engage with challenges facing our communities? What are the real issues that concern people? How can we ask questions creatively to activate meaningful dialogue? What skills, resources and capacities do people already have that can be built upon?

The Art of Invitation explores creative ways of engaging communities in the ecological, cultural, and social challenges of our time. The workshop offers new creative tools for change that can resource you and your projects, groups, communities, and organisations.

  • Approaches to engaging people in creative, collective responses to systemic challenges facing their communities.
  • Creative processes and activities that can activate and inspire people to participate in creating the new economy.
  • A participatory approach to facilitation, involving doing, making and reflecting, both individually and in groups.
  • Creative approaches to bring groups of people together and maintain their involvement.
  • Ways to reach and include more diverse groups of people.
  • Fresh insights to resource you, your current projects or launch new ones.
  • Creative ways to engage your community.

Anyone looking for new creative ways to activate and engage diverse groups of people in responding to social, cultural and ecological challenges. People from a range of backgrounds will benefit - from social enterprises, community groups and co-operatives, to grassroots activists, artists and campaigners, as well as researchers, teachers, facilitators, academics, and management consultants.

Encounters Arts is a group of artists, producers, facilitators and change agents. Our mission is to create the conditions for a creative, caring, connected world in which all can learn to flourish, living together within the Earth’s ecological limits. Since 2003, Encounters has brought thousands of diverse people together in imaginative and transformative ways.

We design creative engagement projects to specifically support and guide participants to draw out and tell their stories and experiences, and we support people to feel that they are part of something in co-authoring a set of creative responses and ideas.

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